Monday, September 5, 2016

More probe trickery

We've updated the probe design to ditch the messy and complicated bent and brazed metal static tube assembly. Instead, we added a 3D printed part that holds a straight tube and provides a conduit for the air pressure. Here is a couple of renderings -- from the outside, and as a longitudinal section.

We are also evaluating 3D printing shops, using Shapeways as our first pass. If Shapeways can make our critical probe nose part with adequate accuracy and surface finish, that'd be great. Otherwise we have to go with fancier technologies. Stay tuned for our results.

We are also working on ordering our pressure sensors.

Finally, note the protrusion on the top. :) This is a Honeywell TD4A temperature probe, because we figure we might as well measure temperature and absolute static pressure to get an estimate of true airspeed. The probe body is a 3/8" diameter by 1.5" long aluminum rod that is threaded for all its length. It is hollow inside, and contains sensing elements. One end has a pair of leads coming out of it.

If you want to look at our design as a 3D model, browse through our Google Drive folder and look for a *.EASM file. You can open this with SolidWorks eDrawings Viewer, which is a free download.

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